Sending Arrows of Blessings
We are in the midst of a massive transformation of consciousness. The shadow aspects of our cultural beliefs are bringing to the surface many long-standing, deep contradictions in our collective values. At the same time, we are ushering in the Aquarian age of global interconnection, with technology enabling instant access to information the world over on our mobile devices. For the first time in recorded history, we can be a direct witness to events in real time, seeing and sensing the full range of our humanity - the good, the bad, and the ugly.
As a species, we are newbies at interfacing so quickly with information and each other. We are learning on the fly, eager to find our way to relate to one another as global citizens, making mistakes and course-correcting as we go. We are experiencing the inevitable crumbling of outdated power structures and social systems, which is messy and chaotic. But take heart: The Universe is a self-regulating system, and there’s reason to be optimistic.
We are reshaping new energetic structures
Thoughts become things. Shared collections of thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and actions create an invisible structure in the energetic field. A habit is an example of an energetic structure. Habits are invisible, but they can be stubborn and hard to overcome. In order for a new habit to emerge, old thoughts, beliefs, emotions and actions that created the original habit structure have to give way. They must soften, dissolve, reorganize or shift in a way that allows a new energetic structure to take form.
Our old habits of thinking as a culture are now shifting to allow new patterns to emerge. During the process of shifting, it’s helpful to recognize and release the outdated structures of the past so we can re-aim our attention on the energy patterns that we want to bring forward into the future. Remember that energy follows attention. You can make your mindfulness practice to train your mind to focus as much as possible on the solution, not the problem.
Consider this axiom by the late, great Wayne Dyer:
“What you are against, weakens you. What you are for, strengthens you.”
Instead of focusing on what we are against, it’s vital to aim our intention on what we are FOR. I have reason to believe that amazing new positive social systems are being birthed right now, even if we can’t see them yet. I choose to aim my focus on connecting with global networks of innovators, scientists, activists, and entrepreneurs who are developing ethical and sustainable solutions that support the highest good of all. Reading positive news, supporting social justice initiatives, celebrating scientific innovations that can solve many of our current crises all serve to strengthen a belief system that positive change is indeed emerging.
“The past is prophetic in that it asserts loudly that wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.
As individuals and as a collective, let’s remember to set our aim on what’s possible. While we are still immersed in the shifting conditions, don’t allow fear, hate, or cynicism to pull your aim off center. Focus on empowering the noble qualities of the heart (courage, cooperation, and compassion) to see us through as we work together to create a more positive future. We can forge a new collective reality as we take a stand for the values of truth, transparency, justice, equality, and dignity.
What energetic arrows are you sending out into the world?
Remember that one of the invisible laws of the Universe states that what you put out (in thought, word, and deed) returns to you multiplied. Instead of cursing or condemning what you are against, now is the ideal time to send out arrows of blessings, to focus your aim on supporting the evolution of consciousness, and to create a ripple effect that supports a more just and loving world.