Transformative Coaching & Hypnotherapy

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Transformative Coaching?

Transformative Coaching is a holistic, integrated approach that addresses your intellectual, emotional, physical and energetic goals, guiding you through a dynamic and personalized journey — moving beyond surface-level assumptions by tapping into the wisdom of your heart and your subconscious mind. Sessions are customized for each individual and may include closed-eye processes (like hypnotherapy or visualization), empowering you to explore your values, transcend your fears, and elevate your energy to the next level of your soul’s evolution.

The psychological community widely accepts that 5-10% of behavior is conscious, and 90-95% is non-conscious. Many of our self-imposed limitations result from unconscious programming.

What happens during a One-On-One Coaching program?

We’ll start with a detailed intake during which explore your objectives and goals. Through appreciative inquiry, we’ll clarify what you’re ready to leave behind, what you’re ready to welcome in, and together, we’ll cocreate an affirmation and guided visualization (hypnotic) program to support you on your journey.

How does hypnotherapy work?

Hypnotherapy works by accessing the part of your mind that may be resisting change. Many people consciously desire to make a change (like eating healthfully), but often experience unconscious resistance to doing so. The unconscious mind has reasons for resistance and those reasons need to be addressed. Hypnotherapy helps you release internal blockages to access your powerful inner mind to more easily make the changes you want.

Hypnotherapy works much like mental rehearsal. As you relax deeply and fully embody a healthy experience within your mind, new neural pathways form in your brain that support you in living your best life.

Is there any mind control by the hypnotherapist?

Absolutely not. This is one of the biggest myths about hypnosis that keeps many people from enjoying its benefits. The client is ALWAYS under complete control of everything he or she does and hears. The client can reject anything the hypnotherapist says at any time. In fact, I recommend to my clients that they can change or fine tune anything I say so that it works best for them. I carefully listen to their feedback so I can give them exactly what they need to resolve their issue.

What does hypnosis feel like?

The hypnotic state is different for everyone. Some clients say it feels fairly normal except that their eyes are closed. Some say it is a deeply relaxing state. Most clients report it is like when you are awake in the morning in bed hearing everything around you but your body doesn’t want to move.  Everyone responds differently. There is no “standard” way to feel.

Self-hypnosis, meditation, guided visualization, and mental rehearsal are natural, beneficial processes for personal growth and self-improvement.

When you close your eyes, relax, and turn your attention inward, you gain access to deeper levels of wisdom and insight.

I am very strong willed. What if I can’t be hypnotized?

This is very good news. You will probably want to use that strong will to get what you want faster than the average person. Hypnosis is a form of learning at the subconscious level. Everyone can be hypnotized to some degree (in fact, most of us have already been hypnotized by the messages from our culture, educational system, and media). I focus on teaching you self-hypnosis by making you a customized recording to listen to on a daily basis at home. With practice, self-hypnosis is a skill that you get better and better at using for your own benefit.

Do you put me to sleep? Do I “go under?”

Hypnosis is not sleep. In contrast, it is a relaxed state of heightened focus. The phrase “going under” comes from stage hypnotism which is an entirely different form of hypnosis with entertainment as the goal.  During most sessions, you will become deeply relaxed, and still be able to hear everything I say. Occasionally, your mind may wander and that is normal.  The messages and suggestions still sink in.

What is HeartMath Coaching?

HeartMath is a scientifically validated mind-body system for reducing stress and building resilience. The techniques and practices developed by the HeartMath Institute help you understand and measure your internal mental and emotional state. By practicing state management, you are better able to handle stress and perform at your best.

Most of my clients find the HeartMath techniques extremely valuable and effective for shifting long-standing patterns, accessing higher levels of intuition, and enhancing emotional mastery. Depending on your goals, we may or may not include HeartMath coaching as part of your session.

This image illustrates how heart rate variability (HRV) is impacted by different emotional states. The non-profit HeartMath Institute provides scientifically validated evidence of the many ways our emotions affect our physiology and impact our performance.

Can we do a session by Zoom?

Yes! I work with clients all over the world by video conference. As long as you have a quiet, comfortable place to sit or recline, you can experience the same benefits as if we were meeting in person — without having the need to drive anywhere!

Do you record the session?

I only record the segment of the session where I am creating your customized guided self-hypnosis program. I do not record anything you say. Everything that happens during your session is kept in strict confidence. After your session, you’ll receive an MP3 audio file by email that you can download and save to listen to as often as you like. This way, in the comfort of your own home, you can let my voice guide you back into that relaxing hypnotic state where you can regularly listen to your personalized suggestions to reinforce your results.

Zoom sessions allow you to relax in the comfort of your own home, without having to drive to and from your session.

Listening to your personalized self-hypnosis recording on a daily basis reinforces the work we do together during your session. It’s like getting unlimited sessions from a single visit.

What are your fees?

Your Initial Coaching & Hypnotherapy Intake Session is $350. This introductory session includes a detailed intake, with hypnotherapy and a personalized self-hypnosis recording for you to listen to daily after the session. For follow-up, you can choose individual tune-up sessions, or dive deeper with a value-added three-month or six-month program.

How long does it take to experience results?

Results are individual, and are based on your level of readiness, commitment, and willingness to change. Many clients experience rapid results after their first month, and get improved results with ongoing support.

What kind of payment methods do you accept?

I accept cash, checks, Paypal, Venmo, Zelle, and all major credit cards. I do not accept CareCredit.

Do you bill insurance?

I do not bill insurance companies directly. The work I do is a complement to traditional medical or psychiatric care, however, because I am not a clinician, I am therefore not licensed to diagnose or treat any clinical conditions. Upon request, I can provide you with an itemized receipt for stress management coaching which you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement if your plan covers it.

Do you offer complimentary consultations?

Yes. I offer complimentary, no-obligation phone or Zoom consultations during which you can tell me about your specific situation and goals, I can answer any questions you may have, and we can explore whether we’d be a good fit to work together. Click the button below to schedule a consultation at your convenience.

Thank you! I look forward to hearing from you soon!