How to RELAX Your Way to Success

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Before I became a hypnotherapist, I was always so curious about the power of the mind. I wondered, “how is it that some people can make rapid changes, get long lasting results, in just a few minutes with their eyes closed?” I knew there were interesting secrets to discover and I set out to find them.

Now after 30 years of training and experience, I have become a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, a Certified HeartMath Coach, a Certified NLP Coach, a Certified Cognitive Behavior Coach, a Mindfulness Trainer, a Personal Trainer, and a health and wellness educator. My courses have been taught in hospitals and clinics, and my book, Six Word Lessons on Changing Habits is available on Amazon.

“Closed-Eye Work” is a powerful way to improve sports performance, public speaking and stage performance, career confidence and self-esteem, weight loss and healthy habits, better sleep, healthier relationships, overcoming self-sabotaging habits, and increasing exercise motivation.

Did you know that the average person thinks sixty thousand thoughts per day, but about ninety percent of those are habitual? Your mind belongs to you and if you're not actively programming it, someone else probably is! You see, most of us are already hypnotized. We're walking around running negative programs that we're projecting out into our world based on our beliefs and our programs from the past.

According to experts, from birth to age 7, children are in a state of hypnosis, and that simply means that their brainwaves are in a theta brainwave state which is the ideal state for hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Children are perceiving the world around them and they're absorbing it like a sponge. From age 7 and up, we are hypnotized by cultural “memes,” which are the thoughts and ideas that are bombarded into our world view on a daily basis through advertising and media and marketing, as well as social conditioning.

Programs from the past are what keep people feeling stuck. The ability to access the subconscious mind is the only way to get unstuck! The conscious is like the tip of the iceberg. It’s the five to ten percent of your mind that you're aware of. The subconscious mind contains the other ninety to ninety-five percent, which includes your beliefs, your values, your emotions, your impressions, your worldview, and sense of self.

Another way to think about this is to imagine that your mind extends as far inward as the sky and the universe extends outward. That's a vast depth of hidden potential that you have within you, and the way to access that depth is with your eyes closed!

To help you access that depth, I am launching a new course called “Relax Your Way to Success,” which features the best of the best from my training in self-hypnosis, mindfulness, meditation, visualization, mental rehearsal, heart coherence, body awareness, brainwave entrainment, energy mastery, and emotional intelligence.

The best part is that you’ll get all of the above within a structured format that will give you clear pictures and ways to navigate through the vast depth of potential within you. For now, here is a four-step process that you can start using right away to relax your way to greater success.

Step one is “Relax.” The idea here is to let yourself relax into a gentle trance state, and that's what we call the “theta brainwave state.” You’re simply slowing down the vibrations of your mind, letting yourself drop into your physical body as you gradually become more relaxed.

Step two is “Focus.” What you want to focus on is WHO you want to be. What are the character traits that you want to bring forward? Who is a person that you most admire and want to be like? How do you want to show up in the world? Those are the questions to focus on.

Step three is “Emotion.” The idea here is to add positive emotion, because emotion is like the secret sauce that takes the idea you are focusing on from a vague abstract concept, and brings it into a state of “felt sense,” a reality that your mind and body can understand.

Step four is “Repeat.” Repeating this simple process on a daily basis impresses it into your subconscious mind. The best time to repeat it is the first 20 minutes in the morning and the last 20 minutes before you go to bed at night. Those times are called “The Golden Twenty” because your mind is already in that wonderful theta brainwave state and it's an ideal time to do your closed-eye process.

So who do you want to be? how do you want to feel? I invite you to join me to go on a deeper dive to learn how to do this for yourself and perhaps even how to help others to get these kinds of meaningful results quickly and easily with your eyes closed.

Coming in 2021, I’m offering ongoing training in closed-eye techniques so you can relax your way to success in career, health love, and life.  You'll get

·         Monthly live training sessions (recorded for later access),

·         My secret five-step formula to transform any situation in your life

·         Access to a private membership group to explore your progress and stay accountable

·         Downloadable eBooks and materials

·         Practical methods that you can start using right away to add value to your personal and professional life

·         Plus bonus content for weight loss, exercise motivation, and habit change strategies.

This program is offered as part of the “We EmPOWER You” Membership program so you will get the benefit of dozens of other programs with other members who are sharing their wisdom. To learn more, please contact me for a private consultation, or visit this link.


Ideas Exposed: Solstice Meditation Challenge


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