Hypnotic Journey to Weight Loss
Close your eyes, relax, and listen to gentle hypnotic suggestions to shrink your tummy, eat smaller portions, say no to junk food, drink more water, release the past, find new ways to self-nurture, and stay motivated to live a healthy, happy life. Relaxing and releasing stress is vital for weight loss. This program includes a deep relaxation process with a body scan. It's ideal to listen to before you go to sleep at night. Listen daily for 21 days for optimal results.
Close your eyes, relax, and listen to gentle hypnotic suggestions to shrink your tummy, eat smaller portions, say no to junk food, drink more water, release the past, find new ways to self-nurture, and stay motivated to live a healthy, happy life. Relaxing and releasing stress is vital for weight loss. This program includes a deep relaxation process with a body scan. It's ideal to listen to before you go to sleep at night. Listen daily for 21 days for optimal results.
Close your eyes, relax, and listen to gentle hypnotic suggestions to shrink your tummy, eat smaller portions, say no to junk food, drink more water, release the past, find new ways to self-nurture, and stay motivated to live a healthy, happy life. Relaxing and releasing stress is vital for weight loss. This program includes a deep relaxation process with a body scan. It's ideal to listen to before you go to sleep at night. Listen daily for 21 days for optimal results.