Mindfulness 101 eBook

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Mindfulness has been heralded as "the new science of health and happiness" by Time Magazine. That's a bold claim, which begs the question "what is mindfulness, and how exactly does it make you healthier and happier?

While many of us have been taught to measure success by the objective, external, tangible "stuff" (homes, cars, gadgets, etc.), mindfulness helps us recognize and measure those facets of our life that are internal, intangible, and even more valuable than the things we own.

To get you started, this eBook gives you the core definitions of secular mindfulness, in context with the benefits you can receive. You'll also get step-by-step guidance for 5 powerful mindfulness practices that you can start using right away.

Mindfulness practices lead to greater self-awareness, enhanced emotional intelligence, and increased clarity on your life’s journey.

Mindfulness 101 gives you 5 essential practices for living a mindful life, and includes a link to a gentle guided meditation audio.